This notebook takes you through a basic example of using the physics simulation tool PyBullet to generate an accelerometer dataset representing dropping the Nordic Thingy:53 devkit from different heights. This dataset can be used to train a regression model to predict drop height.
This idea could be used for a wide range of simulatable environments- for example generating accelerometer datasets for pose estimation or fall detection. The same concept could be applied in an FMEA application for generating strain datasets for structural monitoring.
# Importsimport pybullet as pimport pybullet_dataimport osimport shutilimport csvimport randomimport numpy as npimport json
Create object to simulate
We need to load in a Universal Robotics Description Format file describing an object with the dimensions and weight of a Nordic Thingy:53. In this case, measuring our device it is 64x60x23.5mm and its weight 60g. The shape is given by a .obj 3D model file.
To generate the required data we will be running PyBullet in headless "DIRECT" mode so we can iterate quickly over the parameter field. If you run the python file below you can see how pybullet simulates the object dropping onto a plane
! python ../.assets/pybullet/
Setting up the simulation environment
First off we need to set up a pybullet physics simulation environment. We load in our object file and a plane for it to drop onto. The plane's dynamics can be adjusted to better represent the real world (in this case we're dropping onto carpet)
# Set up PyBullet physics simulation (change from p.GUI to p.DIRECT for headless simulation)physicsClient = p.connect(p.DIRECT)p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath())p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)# Load object URDF fileobj_file ="../.assets/pybullet/thingy53/thingy53.urdf"obj_id = p.loadURDF(obj_file, flags=p.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE)# Add a solid plane for the object to collide withplane_id = p.loadURDF("plane.urdf")# Set length of simulation and sampling frequencysample_length =2# Secondssample_freq =100# Hz
We also need to define the output folder for our simulated accelerometer files
output_folder ='output/'# Check if output directory for noisey files exists and create it if it doesn'tifnot os.path.exists(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder)else: shutil.rmtree(output_folder) os.makedirs(output_folder)
And define the drop parameters
# Simulate dropping object from range of heightsheights =100sims_per_height =20min_height =0.1# Metresmax_height =0.8# Metres
We also need to define the characteristics of the IMU on the real device we are trying to simulate. In this case the Nordic Thingy:53 has a Bosch BMI270 IMU ( which is set to a range of +-2g with a resolution of 0.06g. These parameters will be used to restrict the raw acceleration output:
Finally we are going to give the object and plane restitution properties to allow for some bounce. In this case I dropped the real Thingy:53 onto a hardwood table. You can use p.changeDynamics to introduce other factors such as damping and friction.
Here we iterate over a range of heights, randomly changing its start orientation for i number of simulations per height. The acceleration is calculated relative to the orientation of the Thingy:53 object to represent its onboard accelerometer.
metadata = []for height in np.linspace(max_height, min_height, num=heights):print(f"Simulating {sims_per_height} drops from {height}m")for i inrange(sims_per_height):# Set initial position and orientation of object x =0 y =0 z = height orientation = p.getQuaternionFromEuler((random.uniform(0, 2* np.pi), random.uniform(0, 2* np.pi), random.uniform(0, 2* np.pi))) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(obj_id, [x, y, z], orientation) prev_linear_vel = np.zeros(3)# Initialize the object position and velocity pos_prev, orn_prev = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj_id) vel_prev, ang_vel_prev = p.getBaseVelocity(obj_id) timestamp=0 dt=1/sample_freq p.setTimeStep(dt) filename=f"drop_{height}m_{i}.csv"withopen(f"output/{filename}", mode="w")as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerow(['timestamp','accX','accY','accZ'])while timestamp < sample_length: p.stepSimulation() linear_vel, angular_vel = p.getBaseVelocity(obj_id) lin_acc = [(v - prev_v)/dt for v, prev_v inzip(linear_vel, prev_linear_vel)] prev_linear_vel = linear_vel timestamp += dt# Get the current position and orientation of the object pos, orn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj_id)# Get the linear and angular velocity of the object in world coordinates vel, ang_vel = p.getBaseVelocity(obj_id)# Calculate the change in position and velocity between steps pos_diff = np.array(pos)- np.array(pos_prev) vel_diff = np.array(vel)- np.array(vel_prev)# Convert the orientation quaternion to a rotation matrix rot_matrix = np.array(p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(orn)).reshape(3, 3)# Calculate the local linear acceleration of the object, subtracting gravity local_acc =, vel_diff / dt)- np.array([0, 0, -9.81])# Restrict the acceleration to the range of the accelerometer imu_rel_lin_acc_scaled = np.clip(local_acc, -range_acc, range_acc)# Round the acceleration to the nearest resolution of the accelerometer imu_rel_lin_acc_rounded = np.round(imu_rel_lin_acc_scaled/resolution_acc)* resolution_acc# Update the previous position and velocity pos_prev, orn_prev = pos, orn vel_prev, ang_vel_prev = vel, ang_vel# Save acceleration data to CSV filewithopen(f"{output_folder}{filename}", mode="a")as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerow([timestamp*1000] + imu_rel_lin_acc_rounded.tolist()) nearestheight =round(height, 2) metadata.append({"path": filename,"category": "training","label": { "type": "label", "label": str(nearestheight)} })
Finally we save the metadata file to the output folder. This can be used to tell the edge-impulse-uploader CLI tool the floating point labels for each file.
These files can then be uploaded to a project with these commands (run in a separate terminal window):
! cd output! edge-impulse-uploader --info-file files.json
(run edge-impulse-uploader --clean if you have used the CLI before to reset the target project)
What next?
Now you can use your dataset a drop height detection regression model in Edge Impulse Studio!
See if you can edit this project to simulate throwing the object up in the air to predict the maximum height, or add in your own custom object. You could also try to better model the real environment you're dropping the object in- adding air resistance, friction, damping and material properties for your surface.