The Python SDK is built on top of the Edge Impulse Python API bindings, which is known as the edgeimpulse_api package. These are Python wrappers for all of the web API calls that you can use to interact with Edge Impulse projects programmatically (i.e. without needing to use the Studio graphical interface).
The API reference guide for using the Python API bindings can be found here.
This example will walk you through the process of using the Edge Impulse API bindings to upload data, define an impulse, process features, train a model, and deploy the impulse as a C++ library.
After creating your project and copying the API key, feel free to leave the project open in a browser window so you can watch the changes as we make API calls. You might need to refresh the browser after each call to see the changes take affect.
Important! This project will add data and remove any current features and models in a project. We highly recommend creating a new project when running this notebook! Don't say we didn't warn you if you mess up an existing project.
# Install the Edge Impulse API bindings and the requests package!python -m pip install edgeimpulse-api requests
# Import the API objects we plan to usefrom edgeimpulse_api import ( ApiClient, BuildOnDeviceModelRequest, Configuration, DeploymentApi, DSPApi, DSPConfigRequest, GenerateFeaturesRequest, Impulse, ImpulseApi, JobsApi, ProjectsApi, SetKerasParameterRequest, StartClassifyJobRequest, UpdateProjectRequest,)
You will need to obtain an API key from an Edge Impulse project. Log into and create a new project. Open the project, navigate to Dashboard and click on the Keys tab to view your API keys. Double-click on the API key to highlight it, right-click, and select Copy.
Note that you do not actually need to use the project in the Edge Impulse Studio. We just need the API Key.
Paste that API key string in the EI_API_KEY value in the following cell:
# SettingsAPI_KEY ="ei_dae2..."# Change this to your Edge Impulse API keyAPI_HOST =""DATASET_PATH ="dataset/gestures"OUTPUT_PATH ="."
Initialize API clients
The Python API bindings use a series of submodules, each encapsulating one of the API subsections (e.g. Projects, DSP, Learn, etc.). To use these submodules, you need to instantiate a generic API module and use that to instantiate the individual API objects. We'll use these objects to make the API calls later.
To configure a client, you generally create a configuration object (often from a dict) and then pass that object as an argument to the client.
Before uploading data, we should make sure the project is in the regular impulse flow mode, rather than BYOM mode. We'll also need the project ID for most of the other API calls in the future.
Notice that the general pattern for calling API functions is to instantiate a configuration/request object and pass it to the API method that's part of the submodule. You can find which parameters a specific API call expects by looking at the call's documentation page.
# Get the project ID, which we'll need for future API callsresponse = projects_api.list_projects()ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")==False:raiseRuntimeError("Could not obtain the project ID.")else: project_id = response.projects[0].id# Print the project IDprint(f"Project ID: {project_id}")
# Create request object with the required parametersupdate_project_request = UpdateProjectRequest.from_dict({"inPretrainedModelFlow": False,})# Update the project and check the response for errorsresponse = projects_api.update_project( project_id=project_id, update_project_request=update_project_request,)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")==False:raiseRuntimeError("Could not obtain the project ID.")else:print("Project is now in impulse workflow.")
Upload dataset
We'll start by downloading the gesture dataset from this link. Note that the ingestion API is separate from the regular Edge Impulse API: the URL and interface are different. As a result, we must construct the request manually and cannot rely on the Python API bindings.
We rely on the ingestion service using the string before the first period in the filename to determine the label. For example, "idle.1.cbor" will be automatically assigned the label "idle." If you wish to set a label manually, you must specify the x-label parameter in the headers. Note that you can only define a label this way when uploading a group of data at a time. For example, setting "x-label": "idle" in the headers would give all data uploaded with that call the label "idle."
defupload_files(api_key,path,subset):""" Upload files in the given path/subset (where subset is "training" or "testing") """# Construct request url =f"{subset}/files" headers ={"x-api-key": api_key,"x-disallow-duplicates":"true",}# Get file handles and create dataset to upload files = [] file_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(path, subset))for file_name in file_list: file_path = os.path.join(path, subset, file_name)if os.path.isfile(file_path): file_handle =open(file_path, "rb") files.append(("data", (file_name, file_handle, "multipart/form-data")))# Upload the files response = url=url, headers=headers, files=files, )# Print any errors for files that did not upload upload_responses = response.json()["files"]for resp in upload_responses:ifnot resp["success"]:print(resp)# Close all the handlesfor handle in files: handle[1][1].close()
# Upload the dataset to the projectprint("Uploading training dataset...")upload_files(API_KEY, DATASET_PATH, "training")print("Uploading testing dataset...")upload_files(API_KEY, DATASET_PATH, "testing")
Create an impulse
Now that we uploaded our data, it's time to create an impulse. An "impulse" is a combination of processing (feature extraction) and learning blocks. The general flow of data is:
data -> input block -> processing block(s) -> learning block(s)
Only the processing and learning blocks make up the "impulse." However, we must still specify the input block, as it allows us to perform preprocessing, like windowing (for time series data) or cropping/scaling (for image data).
Your project will have one input block, but it can contain multiple processing and learning blocks. Specific outputs from the processing block can be specified as inputs to the learning blocks. However, for simplicity, we'll just show one processing block and one learning block.
Note: Historically, processing blocks were called "DSP blocks," as they focused on time series data. In Studio, the name has been changed to "Processing block," as the blocks work with different types of data, but you'll see it referred to as "DSP block" in the API.
It's important that you define the input block with the same parameters as your captured data, especially the sampling rate! Additionally, the processing block axes names must match up with their names in the dataset.
# To start, let's fetch a list of all the available blocksresponse = impulse_api.get_impulse_blocks( project_id=project_id)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not get impulse blocks.")
# Print the available input blocksprint("Input blocks")print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.to_json())["inputBlocks"], indent=2))
# Print the available processing blocksprint("Processing blocks")print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.to_json())["dspBlocks"], indent=2))
# Print the available learning blocksprint("Learning blocks")print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.to_json())["learnBlocks"], indent=2))
# Give our impulse blocks IDs, which we'll use laterprocessing_id =2learning_id =3# Impulses (and their blocks) are defined as a collection of key/value pairsimpulse = Impulse.from_dict({"inputBlocks": [ {"id": 1,"type": "time-series","name": "Time series","title": "Time series data","windowSizeMs": 1000,"windowIncreaseMs": 500,"frequencyHz": 62.5,"padZeros": True, } ],"dspBlocks": [ {"id": processing_id,"type": "spectral-analysis","name": "Spectral Analysis","implementationVersion": 4,"title": "processing","axes": ["accX", "accY", "accZ"],"input": 1, } ],"learnBlocks": [ {"id": learning_id,"type": "keras","name": "Classifier","title": "Classification","dsp": [processing_id], } ],})
# Delete the current impulse in the projectresponse = impulse_api.delete_impulse( project_id=project_id)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not delete current impulse.")# Add blocks to impulseresponse = impulse_api.create_impulse( project_id=project_id, impulse=impulse)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not create impulse.")
Configure processing block
Before generating features, we need to configure the processing block. We'll start by printing all the available parameters for the spectral-analysis block, which we set when we created the impulse above.
# Get processing block configresponse = dsp_api.get_dsp_config( project_id=project_id, dsp_id=processing_id)# Construct user-readable parameterssettings = []for group in response.config:for item in group.items: element ={} element["parameter"]= item.param element["description"]= element["currentValue"]= item.value element["defaultValue"]= item.default_value element["type"]= item.typeifhasattr(item, "select_options")and\getattr(item, "select_options")isnotNone: element["options"]= [i.value for i in item.select_options] settings.append(element)# Print the settingsprint(json.dumps(settings, indent=2))
# Define processing block configurationconfig_request = DSPConfigRequest.from_dict({"config": {"scale-axes": 1.0,"input-decimation-ratio": 1,"filter-type": "none","analysis-type": "FFT","fft-length": 16,"do-log": True,"do-fft-overlap": True,"extra-low-freq": False, }})# Set processing block configurationresponse = dsp_api.set_dsp_config( project_id=project_id, dsp_id=processing_id, dsp_config_request=config_request)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not start feature generation job.")else:print("Processing block has been configured.")
Run processing block to generate features
After we've defined the impulse, we then want to use our processing block(s) to extract features from our data. We'll skip feature importance and feature explorer to make this go faster.
Generating features kicks off a job in Studio. A "job" involves instantiating a Docker container and running a custom script in the container to perform some action. In our case, that involves reading in data, extracting features from that data, and saving those features as Numpy (.npy) files in our project.
Because jobs can take a while, the API call will return immediately. If the call was successful, the response will contain a job number. We can then monitor that job and wait for it to finish before continuing.
defpoll_job(jobs_api,project_id,job_id):"""Wait for job to complete"""# Wait for job to completewhileTrue:# Check on job status response = jobs_api.get_job_status( project_id=project_id, job_id=job_id )ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:print("ERROR: Could not get job status")returnFalseelse:ifhasattr(response, "job")andhasattr(response.job, "finished"):if response.job.finished:print(f"Job completed at {response.job.finished}")return response.job.finished_successfulelse:print("ERROR: Response did not contain a 'job' field.")returnFalse# Print that we're still running and waitprint(f"Waiting for job {job_id} to finish...") time.sleep(2.0)
# Define generate features requestgenerate_features_request = GenerateFeaturesRequest.from_dict({"dspId": processing_id,"calculate_feature_importance": False,"skip_feature_explorer": True,})# Generate featuresresponse = jobs_api.generate_features_job( project_id=project_id, generate_features_request=generate_features_request,)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not start feature generation job.")# Extract job IDjob_id = Wait for job to completesuccess =poll_job(jobs_api, project_id, job_id)if success:print("Features have been generated.")else:print(f"ERROR: Job failed. See{project_id}/jobs#show-job-{job_id} for more details.")
# Optional: download NumPy features (x: training data, y: training labels)print("Go here to download the generated features in NumPy format:")print(f"{project_id}/dsp-data/{processing_id}/x/training")print(f"{project_id}/dsp-data/{processing_id}/y/training")
Use learning block to train model
Now that we have trained features, we can run the learning block to train the model on those features. Note that Edge Impulse has a number of learning blocks, each with different methods of configuration. We'll be using the "keras" block, which uses TensorFlow and Keras under the hood.
You can use the get_keras and set_keras functions to configure the granular settings. We'll use the defaults for that block and just set the number of epochs and learning rate for training.
# Define training requestkeras_parameter_request = SetKerasParameterRequest.from_dict({"mode": "visual","training_cycles": 10,"learning_rate": 0.001,"train_test_split": 0.8,"skip_embeddings_and_memory": True,})# Train modelresponse = jobs_api.train_keras_job( project_id=project_id, learn_id=learning_id, set_keras_parameter_request=keras_parameter_request,)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not start training job.")# Extract job IDjob_id = Wait for job to completesuccess =poll_job(jobs_api, project_id, job_id)if success:print("Model has been trained.")else:print(f"ERROR: Job failed. See{project_id}/jobs#show-job-{job_id} for more details.")
Now that the model has been trained, we can go back to the job logs to find the accuracy metrics for both the float32 and int8 quantization levels. We'll need to parse the logs to find these. Because the logs are printed with the most recent events first, we'll work backwards through the log to find these metrics.
defget_metrics(response,quantization=None):""" Parse the response to find the accuracy/training metrics for a given quantization level. If quantization is None, return the first set of metrics found. """ metrics =None delimiter_str ="calculate_classification_metrics"# Skip finding quantization metrics if not givenif quantization: quantization_found =Falseelse: quantization_found =True# Parse logsfor log inreversed(response.to_dict()["stdout"]): data_field = log["data"]if quantization_found: substrings = data_field.split("\n")for substring in substrings: substring = substring.strip()if substring.startswith(delimiter_str): metrics = json.loads(substring[len(delimiter_str):])breakelse:if data_field.startswith(f"Calculating {quantization} accuracy"): quantization_found =Truereturn metrics
# Get the job logs for the previous jobresponse = jobs_api.get_jobs_logs( project_id=project_id, job_id=job_id)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not get job log.")# Print training metrics (quantization is "float32" or "int8")quantization ="float32"metrics =get_metrics(response, quantization)if metrics:print(f"Training metrics for {quantization} quantization:") pprint.pprint(metrics)else:print("ERROR: Could not get training metrics.")
Test the impulse
As with any good machine learning project, we should test the accuracy of the model using our holdout ("testing") set. We'll call the classify API function to make that happen and then parse the job logs to get the results.
In most cases, using int8 quantization will result in a faster, smaller model, but you will slightly lose some accuracy.
# Set the model quantization level ("float32", "int8", or "akida")quantization ="int8"classify_request = StartClassifyJobRequest.from_dict({"model_variants": quantization})# Start model testing jobresponse = jobs_api.start_classify_job( project_id=project_id, start_classify_job_request=classify_request)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not start classify job.")# Extract job IDjob_id = Wait for job to completesuccess =poll_job(jobs_api, project_id, job_id)if success:print("Inference performed on test set.")else:print(f"ERROR: Job failed. See{project_id}/jobs#show-job-{job_id} for more details.")
# Get the job logs for the previous jobresponse = jobs_api.get_jobs_logs( project_id=project_id, job_id=job_id)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not get job log.")# Printmetrics =get_metrics(response)if metrics:print(f"Test metrics for {quantization} quantization:") pprint.pprint(metrics)else:print("ERROR: Could not get test metrics.")
Deploy the impulse
Now that you've trained the model, let's build it as a C++ library and download it. We'll start by printing out the available target devices. Note that this list changes depending on how you've configured your impulse. For example, if you use a Syntiant-specific learning block, then you'll see Syntiant boards listed. We'll use the "zip" target, which gives us a generic C++ library that we can use for nearly any hardware.
# Get the available devicesresponse = deployment_api.list_deployment_targets_for_project_data_sources( project_id=project_id)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not get device list.")# Print the available devicestargets = [x.to_dict()["format"] for x in response.targets]for target in targets:print(target)
# Choose the target hardware (from the list above), engine,target_hardware ="zip"engine ="tflite"quantization ="int8"# Construct requestdevice_model_request = BuildOnDeviceModelRequest.from_dict({"engine": engine,"modelType": quantization})# Start build jobresponse = jobs_api.build_on_device_model_job( project_id=project_id, type=target_hardware, build_on_device_model_request=device_model_request,)ifnothasattr(response, "success")orgetattr(response, "success")isFalse:raiseRuntimeError("Could not start feature generation job.")# Extract job IDjob_id = Wait for job to completesuccess =poll_job(jobs_api, project_id, job_id)if success:print("Impulse built.")else:print(f"ERROR: Job failed. See{project_id}/jobs#show-job-{job_id} for more details.")
# Get the download link informationresponse = deployment_api.download_build( project_id=project_id, type=target_hardware, model_type=quantization, engine=engine, _preload_content=False,)if response.status !=200:raiseRuntimeError("Could not get download information.")# Find the file name in the headersfile_name = re.findall(r"filename\*?=(.+)", response.headers["Content-Disposition"])[0].replace("utf-8''", "")file_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, file_name)# Write the contents to a filewithopen(file_path, "wb")as f: f.write(
You should have a .zip file in the same directory as this notebook. Download or move it to somewhere else on your computer and unzip it. You can now follow this guide to link and compile the library as part of an application.