On your SiLabs Thunderboard Sense 2
Impulses can be deployed as a C++ library. This packages all your signal processing blocks, configuration and learning blocks up into a single package. You can include this package in your own application to run the impulse locally. In this tutorial you'll export an impulse, and build an application in Simplicity Studio to classify sensor data on the SiLabs Thunderboard Sense 2 development board.
Knowledge required
This tutorial assumes that you're familiar with compiling applications with Simplicity Studio. If you're unfamiliar with this you can build binaries directly for your development board from the Deployment page in the studio.
Note: Are you looking for an example that has all sensors included? The Edge Impulse firmware for the SiLabs Thunderboard Sense 2 has that. See edgeimpulse/firmware-silabs-thunderboard-sense-2.
Make sure you followed the [Continuous motion recognition] (tutorials/continuous-motion-recognition.md) tutorial, and have a trained impulse. Also install the following software:
Python 3.6.8 or higher.
Java 64 bit JVM 11 or higher: - available at Amazon Correto or releases page.
Alternatively you can build this application from the command line or through Docker, see the build instructions in example-standalone-inferencing-silabs-tb-sense-2.
Cloning the base repository
We created an example repository which contains a small Simplicity Studio application, which takes the raw features as an argument, and prints out the final classification. You can either download the application or import this repository using Git:
Deploying your impulse
Head over to your Edge Impulse project, and go to Deployment. From here you can create the full library which contains the impulse and all external required libraries. Select C++ library and click Build to create the library.
Download the .zip
file and place the contents in the 'example-standalone-inferencing-silabs-tb-sense-2/ei-workspace/edgeimpulse' folder (which you downloaded above).
Importing the workspace into Simplicity Studio
With the model downloaded you can import the project into Simplicity Studio.
Generate the Simplicity Studio project by opening a command prompt or terminal, navigating to the
folder and running:
Open Simplicity IDE and install the Gecko SDK 3.2.x.
Create a new project via File > New > Silicon Labs Project Wizard...
In the New Project Wizard select Simplicity Studio > Silicon Labs MCU Project and click Next
Under 'board' select Thunderboard Sense 2.
Select the correct SDK you installed in #1 and click Next.
Select Empty C++ Program and click Next.
Name the project
(exactly this) and make sure Copy contents is selected before clicking Finish.
Under 'Project Explorer' select all files, except for Includes and delete them:
Then, navigate to the
folder (in this repository), and drag all files and folders into the 'Project explorer' window in Simplicity Studio. When prompted select Copy files and folders for this operation.Then close, and reopen the project via: Project > Close Project, then Project > Open Project.
Double-click on
to show the Simplicity Configurator.Edit 'Project Generators' and disable 'IAR EMBEDDED WORKBENCH PROJECT' (if it's listed):
Click Force Generation to regenerate all links and include paths.
The project is now imported!
Running the impulse
With the project ready it's time to verify that the application works. Head back to the studio and click on Live classification. Then load a validation sample, and click on a row under 'Detailed result'.
To verify that the local application classifies the same, we need the raw features for this timestamp. To do so click on the 'Copy to clipboard' button next to 'Raw features'. This will copy the raw values from this validation file, before any signal processing or inferencing happened.
In the example directory open main.cpp
and paste the raw features inside the static const float features[]
definition, for example:
With everything set up, you can now build the application using Simplicity Studio, the command line, or with Docker.
Building and flashing the application
In Simplicity Studio v5, select Project > Build Project to build the firmware.
Then, right click on the development board in the Debug adapters section of Simplicity Studio and select Upload application.
Under Application image path select the
GNU ARM v10.2.1 - Default/example-standalone-inferencing-silabs-tb-sense-2.bin
file and click OK to flash.
(Alternatively you can drag and drop the GNU ARM v10.2.1 - Default/example-standalone-inferencing-silabs-tb-sense-2.bin
file onto the TB004
mass-storage device to flash the binary.
Seeing the output
To see the output of the impulse, connect to the development board over a serial port on baud rate 115,200 and reset the board. You can do this with your favourite serial monitor or with the Edge Impulse CLI:
This will run the signal processing pipeline, and then classify the output:
Which matches the values we just saw in the studio. You now have your impulse running on your Thunderboard Sense 2 development board!
Last updated
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