permission module


class edgeimpulse_api.models.permission.Permission(

allowed enum values


  • *args

  • **kwds


  • builtins.str

  • aenum._enum.Enum

  • enum.Enum

Class variables

  • ADMINEMAILSVERIFICATIONCODEREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMININFRACONFIGREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMININFRACONFIGWRITE The type of the None singleton.


  • ADMININFRAFEATURE_FLAGSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMININFRAFEATURE_FLAGSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMININFRAMIGRATIONSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMININFRAMIGRATIONSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINJOBSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINMETRICSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINMETRICSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINORGANIZATIONSMEMBERSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINORGANIZATIONSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINORGANIZATIONSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINPROJECTSMEMBERSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINPROJECTSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINPROJECTSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINTRASHBINWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINTRIALSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINTRIALSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINUSERSPERMISSIONSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINUSERSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • ADMINUSERSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • PROJECTSLIMITSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • PROJECTSTRAININGKERASWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • THIRDPARTYAUTHREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • THIRDPARTYAUTHWRITE The type of the None singleton.

  • USERSEMAILSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • WHITELABELSREAD The type of the None singleton.

  • WHITELABELSWRITE The type of the None singleton.

Last updated

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