classify_api module
Classify an image
Test out a trained impulse (using a posted image).
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
image: pydantic.types.StrictStr
impulse_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.', extra={})] = None
Classify sample (deprecated)
This API is deprecated, use classifySampleV2 instead (/v1/api/{projectId}/classify/v2/{sampleId}
). Classify a complete file against the current impulse. This will move the sliding window (dependent on the sliding window length and the sliding window increase parameters in the impulse) over the complete file, and classify for every window that is extracted.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
sample_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Sample ID', extra={})]
include_debug_info: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Whether to return the debug information from FOMO classification.', extra={})] = None
impulse_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.', extra={})] = None
Classify sample by learn block
This API is deprecated, use classifySampleByLearnBlockV2 (/v1/api/{projectId}/classify/anomaly-gmm/v2/{blockId}/{sampleId}
) instead. Classify a complete file against the specified learn block. This will move the sliding window (dependent on the sliding window length and the sliding window increase parameters in the impulse) over the complete file, and classify for every window that is extracted.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
sample_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Sample ID', extra={})]
block_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Block ID', extra={})]
Classify sample by learn block
Classify a complete file against the specified learn block. This will move the sliding window (dependent on the sliding window length and the sliding window increase parameters in the impulse) over the complete file, and classify for every window that is extracted. Depending on the size of your file, whether your sample is resampled, and whether the result is cached you'll get either the result or a job back. If you receive a job, then wait for the completion of the job, and then call this function again to receive the results. The unoptimized (float32) model is used by default, and classification with an optimized (int8) model can be slower.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
sample_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Sample ID', extra={})]
block_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Block ID', extra={})]
variant: Annotated[edgeimpulse_api.models.keras_model_variant_enum.KerasModelVariantEnum | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Keras model variant', extra={})] = None
truncate_structured_labels: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='If true, only a slice of labels will be returned for samples with multiple labels.', extra={})] = None
Classify sample for the given set of variants
Classify a complete file against the current impulse, for all given variants. Depending on the size of your file and whether the sample is resampled, you may get a job ID in the response.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
sample_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Sample ID', extra={})]
variants: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictStr, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='List of keras model variants, given as a JSON string', extra={})]
include_debug_info: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Whether to return the debug information from FOMO classification.', extra={})] = None
impulse_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.', extra={})] = None
truncate_structured_labels: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='If true, only a slice of labels will be returned for samples with multiple labels.', extra={})] = None
Classify sample
Classify a complete file against the current impulse. This will move the sliding window (dependent on the sliding window length and the sliding window increase parameters in the impulse) over the complete file, and classify for every window that is extracted. Depending on the size of your file, whether your sample is resampled, and whether the result is cached you'll get either the result or a job back. If you receive a job, then wait for the completion of the job, and then call this function again to receive the results. The unoptimized (float32) model is used by default, and classification with an optimized (int8) model can be slower.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
sample_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Sample ID', extra={})]
include_debug_info: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Whether to return the debug information from FOMO classification.', extra={})] = None
variant: Annotated[edgeimpulse_api.models.keras_model_variant_enum.KerasModelVariantEnum | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Keras model variant', extra={})] = None
impulse_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.', extra={})] = None
truncate_structured_labels: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='If true, only a slice of labels will be returned for samples with multiple labels.', extra={})] = None
Classify job result
Get classify job result, containing the result for the complete testing dataset.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
feature_explorer_only: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Whether to get only the classification results relevant to the feature explorer.', extra={})] = None
variant: Annotated[edgeimpulse_api.models.keras_model_variant_enum.KerasModelVariantEnum | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Keras model variant', extra={})] = None
impulse_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.', extra={})] = None
truncate_structured_labels: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='If true, only a slice of labels will be returned for samples with multiple labels.', extra={})] = None
Single page of a classify job result
Get classify job result, containing the predictions for a given page.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
limit: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Maximum number of results', extra={})] = None
offset: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Offset in results, can be used in conjunction with LimitResultsParameter to implement paging.', extra={})] = None
variant: Annotated[edgeimpulse_api.models.keras_model_variant_enum.KerasModelVariantEnum | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Keras model variant', extra={})] = None
impulse_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.', extra={})] = None
truncate_structured_labels: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='If true, only a slice of labels will be returned for samples with multiple labels.', extra={})] = None
Get a window of raw sample features from cache, after a live classification job has completed.
Get raw sample features for a particular window. This is only available after a live classification job has completed and raw features have been cached.
project_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Project ID', extra={})]
sample_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Sample ID', extra={})]
window_index: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt, FieldInfo(default=Ellipsis, description='Sample window index', extra={})]
impulse_id: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictInt | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.', extra={})] = None
truncate_structured_labels: Annotated[pydantic.types.StrictBool | None, FieldInfo(default=PydanticUndefined, description='If true, only a slice of labels will be returned for samples with multiple labels.', extra={})] = None
Last updated
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