List samples
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Retrieve all raw data by category.
Project ID
Which of the three acquisition categories to retrieve data from
, testing
, anomaly
Maximum number of results
Offset in results, can be used in conjunction with LimitResultsParameter to implement paging.
Whether to exclude sensors in the response (as these can slow down requests when you have large pages).
Only include samples with a label within the given list of labels, given as a JSON string
["idle", "snake"]
Only include samples whose filename includes the given filename
Only include samples shorter than the given length, in milliseconds
Only include samples longer than the given length, in milliseconds
Only include samples with higher frequency than given frequency, in hertz
Only include samples with lower frequency than given frequency, in hertz
Include samples with either valid or invalid signatures
, valid
, invalid
Include only enabled or disabled samples (or both)
, enabled
, disabled
Only include samples with a label >= this value
Only include samples with a label < this value
Search query
<id> <name>
Pass this parameter when querying samples from inside an AI Action job. If you pass this parameter in a multi-stage AI Action, previous proposed changes (from an earlier step) will be applied to the returned dataset.
If true, only a slice of labels will be returned for samples with multiple labels.