Running faucet

This is a prebuilt dataset for detecting whether a faucet is running based on audio, for the Recognize sounds from audio tutorial. It contains 15 minutes of data sampled from a MEMS microphone at 16KHz over the following two classes:

  • Faucet - faucet is running, with a variety of background activity.

  • Noise - just background activities.

Importing this dataset

You can import this dataset to your Edge Impulse project using the Edge Impulse CLI Uploader. If you haven't done so, follow the Installation instructions.


  1. Download the faucet dataset.

  2. Unzip the file in a location of your choice.

  3. Open a terminal or command prompt, and navigate to the place where you extracted the file.

  4. Run:

$ edge-impulse-uploader --clean
$ edge-impulse-uploader --category training faucet/training/*.cbor
$ edge-impulse-uploader --category testing faucet/testing/*.cbor

You will be prompted for your username, password, and the project where you want to add the dataset.

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