Particle Boron

The Boron is a powerful cellular enabled development kit.

Equipped with the Nordic nRF52840 and u-blox SARA U201 (2G/3G) or R410M/R510S LTE Cat M1 module, the Boron has built-in battery charging circuitry which makes it easier to connect a Li-Po battery and 20 mixed signal GPIOs to interface with sensors, actuators, and other electronics.

The Boron is great for connecting existing projects to the Particle Device Cloud or as a gateway to connect an entire group of local endpoints where Wi-Fi is missing or unreliable.

Particle Boron)

Installing dependencies

To set this device up in Edge Impulse, you will need to install the following software:

  1. Particle Workbench (Optional, only required if deploying to Particle Library)

Problems installing the CLI?

See the Installation and troubleshooting guide.

Setup the Particle Boron with the accelerometer and PDM microphone

  1. Connect the ADXL345 to the Boron as follows:












Particle Boron with accelerometer and microphone connected


Create an Edge Impulse account if you haven't already. Also, be sure to setup the device per the instructions above.

Build your first machine learning model with this tutorial:


Flash a Particle Boron Project via the Particle Library Deployment option

If you choose to deploy your project to a Particle Library and not a binary follow these steps to flash the your firmware from Particle Workbench:

  1. Open a new VS Code window, ensure that Particle Workbench has been installed (see above)

  2. Use VS Code Command Palette and type in Particle: Import Project

    1. Select the file in the directory that you just downloaded and extracted from the section above.

  3. Use VS Code Command Palette and type in Particle: Configure Project for Device

    1. Select deviceOS@5.5.0

    2. Choose a target. (e.g. P2 , this option is also used for the Boron).

  4. It is sometimes needed to manually put your Device into DFU Mode. You may proceed to the next step, but if you get an error indicating that "No DFU capable USB device available" then please follow these step.

    1. Hold down both the RESET and MODE buttons.

    2. Release only the RESET button, while holding the MODE button.

    3. Wait for the LED to start flashing yellow.

    4. Release the MODE button.

  5. Compile and Flash in one command with: Particle: Flash application & DeviceOS (local)

Local Compile Only! At this time you cannot use the Particle: Cloud Compile or Particle: Cloud Flash options; local compilation is required.

The following video demonstrates how to collect raw data from an accelerometer and develop an application around the Edge Impulse inferencing library with the Boron.

Flash a Particle Boron Binary

Flashing your Particle device requires the Particle command line tool. Follow these instructions to install the tools.

Navigate to the directory where your Boron firmware downloaded and decompress the zip file. Open a terminal and use the following command to flash your device:

particle flash --local firmware-particle.bin

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