Deployment metadata spec

This is the specification for the deployment-metadata.json file from Building deployment blocks.

export interface DeploymentMetadataV1 {
    version: 1;
    // Global deployment counter
    deployCounter: number;
    // The output classes (for classification)
    classes: string[];
    // The number of samples to be taken per inference (e.g. 100Hz data, 3 axis, 2 seconds => 200)
    samplesPerInference: number;
    // Number of axes ((e.g. 100Hz data, 3 axis, 2 seconds => 3)
    axesCount: number;
    // Frequency of the data
    frequency: number;
    // TFLite models (already converted and quantized)
    tfliteModels: {
        // Information about the model type, e.g. quantization parameters
        details: KerasModelIODetails;
        // Name of the input tensor
        inputTensor: string;
        // Name of the output tensor
        outputTensor: string;
        // Path of the model on disk
        modelPath: string;
        // Calculated arena size when running TFLite in interpreter mode
        arenaSize: number;
        // Number of values to be passed into the model
        inputFrameSize: number;
    // Project information
    project: {
        name: string;
        // API key, only set for deploy blocks with privileged flag and development keys set
        apiKey: string | undefined;
    // Impulse information
    impulse: DeploymentMetadataImpulse;
    // Sensor guess based on the input
    sensor: 'camera' | 'microphone' | 'accelerometer' | undefined;
    // Folder locations
    folders: {
        // Input files are here, the input folder contains 'edge-impulse-sdk', 'model-parameters', 'tflite-model'
        input: string;
        // Write your output file here
        output: string;

export type ResizeEnum = 'squash' | 'fit-short' | 'fit-long' | 'crop';
export type CropAnchorEnum = 'top-left' | 'top-center' | 'top-right' |
                             'middle-left' | 'middle-center' | 'middle-right' |
                             'bottom-left' | 'bottom-center' | 'bottom-right';

export interface CreateImpulseStateInput {
    id: number;
    type: 'time-series' | 'image';
    name: string;
    title: string;
    windowSizeMs?: number;
    windowIncreaseMs?: number;
    imageWidth?: number;
    imageHeight?: number;
    resizeMode?: ResizeEnum;
    cropAnchor?: CropAnchorEnum;

export interface CreateImpulseStateDsp {
    id: number;
    type: string | 'custom';
    name: string;
    axes: string[];
    title: string;
    customUrl?: string;

export interface CreateImpulseStateLearning {
    id: number;
    type: string;
    name: string;
    dsp: number[];
    title: string;

export interface CreateImpulseState {
    inputBlocks: CreateImpulseStateInput[];
    dspBlocks: CreateImpulseStateDsp[];
    learnBlocks: CreateImpulseStateLearning[];

export interface DSPConfig {
    options: { [k: string ]: string | number | boolean };

export type DSPFeatureMetadataOutput = {
    type: 'image',
    shape: { width: number, height: number, channels: number }
} | {
    type: 'spectrogram',
    shape: { width: number, height: number }
} | {
    type: 'flat',
    shape: { width: number }

export interface DSPFeatureMetadata {
    created: Date;
    dspConfig: DSPConfig;
    labels: string[];   // the training labels
    featureLabels: string[];
    valuesPerAxis: number;
    windowCount: number;
    windowSizeMs: number;
    windowIncreaseMs: number;
    frequency: number;
    includedSamples: { id: number, windowCount: number }[];
    outputConfig: DSPFeatureMetadataOutput;

 * Information necessary to quantize or dequantize the contents of a tensor
export type KerasModelTensorDetails = {
    dataType: 'float32'
} | {
    dataType: 'int8';
    // Scale and zero point are used only for quantized tensors
    quantizationScale?: number;
    quantizationZeroPoint?: number;

export type KerasModelTypeEnum = 'int8' | 'float32' | 'requiresRetrain';

 * Information required to process a model's input and output data
export interface KerasModelIODetails {
    modelType: KerasModelTypeEnum;
    inputs: KerasModelTensorDetails[];
    outputs: KerasModelTensorDetails[];

export interface DeploymentMetadataImpulse {
    inputBlocks: CreateImpulseStateInput[];
    dspBlocks: (CreateImpulseStateDsp & { metadata: DSPFeatureMetadata | undefined })[];
    learnBlocks: CreateImpulseStateLearning[];

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