Retrieve list of organizations that a user is a part of. If authenticating using JWT token this lists all the organizations the user has access to, if authenticating using an API key, this only lists that organization.
Whether the operation succeeded
Optional error description (set if 'success' was false)
Array with organizations
EdgeImpulse Inc.
"Jan Jongboom"
"Software Engineer"
List of permissions the user has
"Edge Impulse Inc."
Whether the user has activated their account or not.
Whether the user has configured multi-factor authentication
Stripe customer ID, if any.
Whether the user has pending payments.
The user account tier.
Date when the user last accessed the organization data.
ID of the last project accessed by the user in the organization.
Unique identifier of the white label this organization belongs to, if any.
Name of the white label this organization belongs to, if any.
"Water hammer detection"
User or organization that owns the project
Details about the last modification
"Data sample added"
Custom logo for this project (not available for all projects)
URL of the project owner avatar, if any.
User ID of the developer profile, if any.
"Jan Jongboom"
"Software Engineer"
List of permissions the user has
"Edge Impulse Inc."
Whether the user has activated their account or not.
Whether the user has configured multi-factor authentication
Stripe customer ID, if any.
Whether the user has pending payments.
The user account tier.
Metadata about the project
Whether this is an enterprise project
Unique identifier of the white label this project belongs to, if any.
Name of the white label this project belongs to, if any.
List of project tags
Project category
"Image classification"
Public project license, if any.
The project tier. This is "enterprise" for all organization projects, or the user tier for all user projects.
Whether this project has been published or not.
Whether this is a public version of a project. A version is a snapshot of a project at a certain point in time, which can be used to periodically save the state of a project. Versions can be private (just for internal use and reference) or public, available to everyone. A public version can be cloned by anyone, restoring the state of the project at the time into a new, separate project.
Whether this project allows live, public access. Unlike a public version, a live public project is not fixed in time, and always includes the latest project changes. Similar to public versions, a live public project can be cloned by anyone, creating a new, separate project.
If the project allows public access, whether to list it the public projects overview response. If not listed, the project is still accessible via direct link. If the project does not allow public access, this field has no effect.
Unique identifier of the trial this organization belongs to, if any.
Date when the trial expired, if any. A expired trial has a grace period of 30 days before it's associated organization is deleted.
Date when the trial was upgraded to a full enterprise account, if any.
Date when the organization was created.
Date when the current contract started, if any.
The date in which the organization was deleted. If the organization is not deleted, this field is not set.