Takes in a TFLite file and builds the model and SDK. Updates are streamed over the websocket API (or can be retrieved through the /stdout endpoint). Use getProfileTfliteJobResult to get the results when the job is completed.
Project ID
Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.
A base64 encoded pretrained model
The name of the built target. You can find this by listing all deployment targets through listDeploymentTargetsForProject
(via GET /v1/api/{projectId}/deployment/targets
) and see the format
A base64 encoded .npy file containing the features from your validation set (optional for onnx and saved_model) - used to quantize your model.
Optional, use a specific converter (only for ONNX models).
Whether the operation succeeded
Optional error description (set if 'success' was false)
Job identifier. Status updates will include this identifier.