Get a transformation block.
Organization ID
Transformation block ID.
Whether the operation succeeded
Optional error description (set if 'success' was false)
These arguments are passed into the container
List of parameters, spec'ed according to
List of parameters to be rendered in the UI
"Scale axes"
"Divide axes by this number"
Interface section to render parameter in.
Only valid for type "string". Will render a multiline text area.
If set, shows a hint below the input.
Sets the placeholder text on the input element (for types "string", "int", "float" and "secret")
15m for 15 minutes, 2h for 2 hours, 1d for 1 day. If not set, the default is 8 hours.
URL to the source code of this custom learn block.
Whether this block is publicly available to Edge Impulse users (if false, then only for members of the owning organization)
Whether to show this block in 'Data sources'. Only applies for standalone blocks.
Whether to show this block in 'Create transformation job'. Only applies for standalone blocks.
Whether to show this block in 'Synthetic data'. Only applies for standalone blocks.
Whether to show this block in 'AI Labeling'. Only applies for standalone blocks.
Extra environmental variables that are passed into the transformation block (key/value pairs).
Environmental variable key. Needs to adhere to regex "^[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$".
If value is left undefined, only the key is passed in as an environmental variable.
For AI labeling blocks, this lists the data types that the block supports. If this field is empty then there's no information about supported data types.