t-SNE2 output of the raw dataset
Project ID
Whether the operation succeeded
Optional error description (set if 'success' was false)
Identifier for this block. Make sure to up this number when creating a new block, and don't re-use identifiers. If the block hasn't changed, keep the ID as-is. ID must be unique across the project and greather than zero (>0).
Block type (either time-series, image or features)
Block name, will be used in menus
"Time series"
Block title, used in the impulse UI
"Time series"
Size of the sliding window in milliseconds
We use a sliding window to go over the raw data. How many milliseconds to increase the sliding window with for each step.
(Input only) Frequency of the input data in Hz
We use a sliding window to go over the raw data. How many milliseconds to increase the sliding window with for each step in classification mode.
Whether to zero pad data when a data item is too short
Width all images are resized to before training
Width all images are resized to before training
How to resize images before training
Resize method to use when resizing images
If images are resized using a crop, choose where to anchor the crop
A short description of the block version, displayed in the block versioning UI
"Reduced learning rate and more layers"
The system component that created the block version (createImpulse | clone | tuner). Cannot be set via API.
The datetime that the block version was created. Cannot be set via API.
Only generate features for samples where (sample_id + datasetSubsetSeed) % datasetSubset) == 0