Get evaluate job result, containing detailed performance statistics for every possible variant of the impulse.
Project ID
Impulse ID. If this is unset then the default impulse is used.
Whether the operation succeeded
Optional error description (set if 'success' was false)
The learning block this model variant is from
The type of learning block (anomaly, keras, keras-transfer-image, keras-transfer-kws, keras-object-detection, keras-regression). Each behaves differently.
A map from actual labels to predicted labels, where actual labels are listed in trainingLabels
and possible predicted labels are listed in classificationLabels
The value based on the model alone
The value including the result of anomaly detection
The labels present in the model's training data. These are all present in the first dimension of the confusion matrix.
The possible labels resulting from classification. These may be present in the second dimension of the confusion matrix.
The total number of windows that were evaluated
The value based on the model alone
The value including the result of anomaly detection
The value based on the model alone
The value including the result of anomaly detection