White label admin only API to get the list of all organizations.
Organization ID
Whether to search for entities (users, orgs) active in the last X days
Whether to include deleted entities (users, projects, orgs)
Comma separated list of fields to sort query by. Prefix with a minus (-) sign to indicate descending order. Default order is ascending
Comma separated list of filters to apply to the query. Filters should be in the format 'field:value'.
Maximum number of results
Offset in results, can be used in conjunction with LimitResultsParameter to implement paging.
Search query
"<id> <name>"
Whether the operation succeeded
Optional error description (set if 'success' was false)
Array with organizations
"Edge Impulse Inc."
Storage entitlement, in bytes
Total compute time entitlement (CPU + GPU), in seconds
GPU compute time entitlement, in seconds
Number of projects allowed for this organization
Number of users allowed for this organization