Get information about a Keras block, such as its dependencies. Use the impulse blocks to find the learnId.
Project ID
Learn Block ID, use the impulse functions to retrieve the ID
Whether the operation succeeded
Optional error description (set if 'success' was false)
Whether the block is trained
The type of learning block (anomaly, keras, keras-transfer-image, keras-transfer-kws, keras-object-detection, keras-regression). Each behaves differently.
The Keras script. This script might be empty if the mode is visual.
Minimum confidence rating required for the neural network. Scores below this confidence are tagged as uncertain.
The model type that is currently selected.
The mode (visual or expert) to use for editing this network.
The visual layers (if in visual mode) for the neural network. This will be an empty array when in expert mode.
Number of neurons or filters in this layer (only for dense, conv1d, conv2d) or in the final conv2d layer (only for transfer layers)
Kernel size for the convolutional layers (only for conv1d, conv2d)
Fraction of input units to drop (only for dropout) or in the final layer dropout (only for transfer layers)
Number of columns for the reshape operation (only for reshape)
Number of convolutional layers before the pooling layer (only for conv1d, conv2d)
Custom transfer learning model ID (when type is set to transfer_organization)
Number of training cycles. If in expert mode this will be 0.
Learning rate (between 0 and 1). If in expert mode this will be 0.
The batch size used during training.
The default batch size if a value is not configured.
Python-formatted tuple of input axes
Train/test split (between 0 and 1)
Whether to automatically balance class weights, use this for skewed datasets.
Use learned optimizer and ignore learning rate.
The data augmentation policy to use with image input
True if spectrogram augmentation is enabled. Other properties will be ignored if this is false.
True if warping along the time axis is enabled.
The amount of frequency masking to apply.
The amount of time masking to apply.
The amount of Gaussian noise to add.
The type of learning block (anomaly, keras, keras-transfer-image, keras-transfer-kws, keras-object-detection, keras-regression). Each behaves differently.
URL to the source code of this custom learn block.
"Scale axes"
"Divide axes by this number"
Interface section to render parameter in.
Only valid for type "string". Will render a multiline text area.
If set, shows a hint below the input.
Sets the placeholder text on the input element (for types "string", "int", "float" and "secret")
Category to display this block in the UI.
Whether to profile the i8 model (might take a very long time)
If set, skips creating embeddings and measuring memory (used in tests)
True if Akida Edge Learning model creation is enabled. Other properties will be ignored if this is false.
Number of additional classes that will be added to the Edge Learning model.
Number of neurons in each class on the last layer in the Edge Learning model.
This metadata key is used to prevent group data leakage between train and validation datasets.
Whether the 'Advanced training settings' UI element should be expanded.
Whether the 'Augmentation training settings' UI element should be expanded.
Training parameters, this list depends on the list of parameters that the model exposes.
Capacity level for visual anomaly detection (GMM). Determines which set of default configurations to use. The higher capacity, the higher number of (Gaussian) components, and the more adapted the model becomes to the original distribution
Last shown variant on the Keras screen. Used to keep the same view after refreshing.
Last shown model engine on the Keras screen. Used to keep the same view after refreshing.
Training parameters specific to the type of the learn block. Parameters may be adjusted depending on the model defined in the visual layers. Used for our built-in blocks.
The backbone to use for feature extraction
The number of layers in the feature extractor (1-3)
The pool size for the feature extractor
The sampling ratio for the coreset, used for anomaly scoring
The number of nearest neighbors to consider, used for anomaly scoring