Wrapper class for the Edge Impulse data acquisition format.
See here for more information: https://docs.edgeimpulse.com/reference/data-acquisition-format.
protected: edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.Protected
payload: edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.Payload
signature: Optional[str] = None
Class variables
payload: edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.Payload
protected: edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.Protected
signature: Optional[str]
Wrapper class for the sensor data.
Information about the data acquisition format can be found here: https://docs.edgeimpulse.com/reference/data-acquisition-format.
device_type: str
sensors: List[edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.Sensor]
values: List[List[float]]
interval_ms: Optional[int] = 0
device_name: Optional[str] = None
Class variables
device_name: Optional[str]
device_type: str
interval_ms: Optional[int]
sensors: List[edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.Sensor]
values: List[List[float]]
Wrapper class for information about the signature format.
More information can be found here: https://docs.edgeimpulse.com/reference/data-acquisition-format.
ver: str = 'v1'
alg: Literal['HS256', 'none'] = 'none'
iat: Optional[int] = None
Class variables
alg: Literal['HS256', 'none']
iat: Optional[int]
ver: str
Wrapper class for sample data, labels, and associated metadata.
Sample data should be contained in a file or file-like object, for example, as the return from open(..., "rb")
. The upload_samples()
function expects Sample objects as input.
data: Union[io.BufferedIOBase, _io.StringIO, str]
filename: Optional[str] = None
category: Optional[Literal['training', 'testing', 'anomaly', 'split']] = 'split'
label: Optional[str] = None
bounding_boxes: Optional[List[dict]] = None
metadata: Optional[dict] = None
sample_id: Optional[int] = None
structured_labels: Optional[List[dict]] = None
Class variables
bounding_boxes: Optional[List[dict]]
category: Optional[Literal['training', 'testing', 'anomaly', 'split']]
data: Union[io.BufferedIOBase, _io.StringIO, str]
filename: Optional[str]
label: Optional[str]
metadata: Optional[dict]
sample_id: Optional[int]
structured_labels: Optional[List[dict]]
Wrapper for the response from the Edge Impulse ingestion service when retrieving sample information.
sample_id: Optional[int] = None
filename: Optional[str] = None
category: Optional[str] = None
label: Optional[str] = None
Class variables
category: Optional[str]
filename: Optional[str]
label: Optional[str]
sample_id: Optional[int]
Wrapper for the response from the Edge Impulse ingestion service when uploading a sample along with the sample that was uploaded.
sample: edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.Sample
response: dict
Represents a sensor in the Edge Impulse data acquisition format.
Note: The units must comply with the SenML units list: https://www.iana.org/assignments/senml/senml.xhtml
name: str
units: Literal['m', 'kg', 'g', 's', 'A', 'K', 'cd', 'mol', 'Hz', 'rad', 'sr', 'N', 'Pa', 'J', 'W', 'C', 'V', 'F', 'Ohm', 'S', 'Wb', 'T', 'H', 'Cel', 'lm', 'lx', 'Bq', 'Gy', 'Sv', 'kat', 'm2', 'm3', 'l', 'm/s', 'm/s2', 'm3/s', 'l/s', 'W/m2', 'cd/m2', 'bit', 'bit/s', 'lat', 'lon', 'pH', 'dB', 'dBW', 'Bspl', 'count', '/', '%', '%RH', '%EL', 'EL', '1/s', '1/min', 'beat/min', 'beats', 'S/m', 'B', 'VA', 'VAs', 'var', 'vars', 'J/m', 'kg/m3', 'deg', 'NTU', 'rgba'] = 'm/s'
Class variables
name: str
units: Literal['m', 'kg', 'g', 's', 'A', 'K', 'cd', 'mol', 'Hz', 'rad', 'sr', 'N', 'Pa', 'J', 'W', 'C', 'V', 'F', 'Ohm', 'S', 'Wb', 'T', 'H', 'Cel', 'lm', 'lx', 'Bq', 'Gy', 'Sv', 'kat', 'm2', 'm3', 'l', 'm/s', 'm/s2', 'm3/s', 'l/s', 'W/m2', 'cd/m2', 'bit', 'bit/s', 'lat', 'lon', 'pH', 'dB', 'dBW', 'Bspl', 'count', '/', '%', '%RH', '%EL', 'EL', '1/s', '1/min', 'beat/min', 'beats', 'S/m', 'B', 'VA', 'VAs', 'var', 'vars', 'J/m', 'kg/m3', 'deg', 'NTU', 'rgba']
Response from the Edge Impulse server when uploading multiple samples.
successes: List[edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.SampleIngestionResponse]
fails: List[edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.SampleIngestionResponse]
Add new responses to the existing responses.
successes: List[edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.SampleIngestionResponse]
fails: List[edgeimpulse.data.sample_type.SampleIngestionResponse]